Peiyuan Zhu, Baris Weber, Maaria Rosenkranz, Andrea Polle, Andrea Ghirardo, Jan Muhr, A. Corina Vlot, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler: Volatile-Mediated Plant Defense Networks : Field Evidence for Isoprene as a Short-Distance Immune Signal.. - bioRxiv, 2025. -
Jakub Rzemieniewski, Henriette Leicher, Hyun Kyung Lee, Caroline Broyart, Shahran Nayem, Christian Wiese, Julian Maroschek, Zeynep Camgöz, Vilde Olsson Lalun, Michael Anthony Djordjevic, A. Corina Vlot, Ralph Hückelhoven, Julia Santiago, Martin Stegmann: CEP signaling coordinates plant immunity with nitrogen status. In: Nature Communications, 15 (2024). - .
Alisa Landgraf, Sascha Hein, Kathrin Paulus-Tremel, Michelle Beatrice Wolff, Meike Arend, Ann‐Christine Junker, Daniel Strecker, Sascha Döring, Elke Völker, Thomas Holzhauser, Sandra Schmidt, Susanne Kaul, Stefan Schülke, Vera Mahler: Establishment of an ELISA‐based in vitro test system to quantify the major honey bee venom allergen Api m 10 in crude bee venoms and therapy allergen products. In: Allergy, (2024). - .
Robin Jost, Sabine Kespohl, Kathrin Paulus-Tremel, Julia Zimmer, Andreas Bonertz, Ingrid Sander, Thomas Klose, Lena-Maria Altin, Simone Heller, Ralph Heimke-Brinck, Frank Dörje, Susanne Philippus, Matthias Meyer, Sabrina Segebrecht, Torsten Wessel, Dieter Starke, Stefan Schülke, Monika Raulf, Vera Mahler: Possible manufacture of test allergens in public pharmacies for the diagnosis of type I allergies : Legal aspects. In: Allergologie select, 8 (2024). - S. 251-264.
Sabine Kespohl, Robin Jost, Silke Maryska, Lena-Maria Altin, Ingrid Sander, Stefan Schülke, Kathrin Paulus-Tremel, Andreas Bonertz, Thomas Klose, Vera Mahler, Monika Raulf: Procedure for a standardized preparation of skin prick test solutions for the diagnosis of occupational type I allergies in the absence of commercial extracts. In: Allergologie select, 8 (2024). - S. 238-250.
Anna Sommer, Marion Wenig, Claudia Knappe, Susanne Kublik, Bärbel U. Foesel, Michael Schloter, A. Corina Vlot: A salicylic acid‐associated plant‐microbe interaction attracts beneficial Flavobacterium sp. to the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere. In: Physiologia Plantarum, 176 (2024). - .
Kornelia Bauer, Shahran Nayem, Martin Lehmann, Marion Wenig, Lin-Jie Shu, Stefanie Ranf, Peter Geigenberger, A. Corina Vlot: β-D-XYLOSIDASE 4 modulates systemic immune signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana. In: Frontiers in Plant Science, 13 (2023). - .
Robin Heinen, Oriana Sanchez-Mahecha, T. Martijn Bezemer, Davide M. Dominoni, Claudia Knappe, Johannes Kollmann, Anton Kopatsch, Zoë A. Pfeiffer, Michael Schloter, Sarah Sturm, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, A. Corina Vlot, Wolfgang W. Weisser: Part-night exposure to artificial light at night has more detrimental effects on aphid colonies than fully lit nights. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378 (2023). - .
Robin Heinen, Oriana Sanchez-Mahecha, T. Martijn Bezemer, Davide M. Dominoni, Claudia Knappe, Johannes Kollmann, Anton Kopatsch, Zoë A. Pfeiffer, Michael Schloter, Sarah Sturm, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, A. Corina Vlot, Wolfgang W. Weisser: Part-night exposure to artificial light at night has more detrimental effects on aphid colonies than fully lit nights.. - bioRxiv, 2023. -
Alessandro Brambilla, Miriam Lenk, Andrea Ghirardo, Laura Eccleston, Claudia Knappe, Baris Weber, Birgit Lange, Jafargholi Imani, Anton R. Schäffner, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, A. Corina Vlot: Pipecolic acid synthesis is required for systemic acquired resistance and plant-to-plant-induced immunity in barley. In: Journal of Experimental Botany, 74 (2023). - S. 3033-3046.
Athanas Guzha, Robert McGee, Patricia Scholz, Denise Hartken, Daniel Lüdke, Kornelia Bauer, Marion Wenig, Krzysztof Zienkiewicz, Cornelia Herrfurth, Ivo Feussner, A. Corina Vlot, Marcel Wiermer, George Haughn, Till Ischebeck: Cell wall-localized BETA-XYLOSIDASE4 contributes to immunity of Arabidopsis against Botrytis cinerea. In: Plant Physiology, 189 (2022). - S. 1794-1813.
Alessandro Brambilla, Anna Sommer, Andrea Ghirardo, Marion Wenig, Claudia Knappe, Baris Weber, Melissa Amesmaier, Miriam Lenk, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, A. Corina Vlot: Immunity-associated volatile emissions of β-ionone and nonanal propagate defence responses in neighbouring barley plants. In: Journal of Experimental Botany, 73 (2022). - S. 615-630.
Laura Eccleston, Alessandro Brambilla, A. Corina Vlot: New molecules in plant defence against pathogens. In: Essays in Biochemistry, 66 (2022). - S. 683-693.
A. Corina Vlot, Maaria Rosenkranz: Volatile compounds : the language of all kingdoms?. In: Journal of Experimental Botany, 73 (2022). - S. 445-448.
Anna Sommer, Marion Wenig, Claudia Knappe, Susanne Kublik, Bärbel Fösel, Michael Schloter, A. Corina Vlot: Induced systemic resistance impacts the phyllosphere microbiome through plant-microbe-microbe interactions.. - bioRxiv, 2021. -
Lena Frank, Marion Wenig, Andrea Ghirardo, Alexander van der Krol, A. Corina Vlot, Jörg‐Peter Schnitzler, Maaria Rosenkranz: Isoprene and β‐caryophyllene confer plant resistance via different plant internal signalling pathways. In: Plant, Cell & Environment, 44 (2021). - S. 1151-1164.
Jennifer Sales, Elisabeth Pabst, Marion Wenig, Heiko H. Breitenbach, Gerardo Perez, Claudia Knappe, Richard Hammerl, Jinghui Liu, Wilfried Rozhon, Brigitte Poppenberger, Erwin Grill, Corinna Dawid, A. Corina Vlot: Local jasmonic acid cues drive systemic acquired resistance signal generation.. - bioRxiv, 2021. -
A. Corina Vlot: A quest for long-distance signals : the epidermis as central regulator of pipecolic acid-associated systemic acquired resistance. In: Journal of Experimental Botany, 72 (2021). - S. 2266-2268.
A. Corina Vlot, Jennifer H. Sales, Miriam Lenk, Kornelia Bauer, Alessandro Brambilla, Anna Sommer, Yuanyuan Chen, Marion Wenig, Shahran Nayem: Systemic propagation of immunity in plants. In: New Phytologist, 229 (2021). - S. 1234-1250.
Maaria Rosenkranz, Yuanyuan Chen, Peiyuan Zhu, A. Corina Vlot: Volatile terpenes : mediators of plant‐to‐plant communication. In: The Plant Journal, 108 (2021). - S. 617-631.
Melina Altmann, Stefan Altmann, Patricia A. Rodriguez, Benjamin Weller, Lena Elorduy Vergara, Julius Palme, Nora Marín-de la Rosa, Mayra Sauer, Marion Wenig, José Antonio Villaécija-Aguilar, Jennifer H. Sales, Chung-Wen Lin, Ramakrishnan Pandiarajan, Veronika Young, Alexandra Strobel, Lisa Gross, Samy Carbonnel, Karl G. Kugler, Antoni Garcia-Molina, George W. Bassel, Claudia Falter, Klaus F. X. Mayer, Caroline Gutjahr, A. Corina Vlot, Erwin Grill, Pascal Falter-Braun: Extensive signal integration by the phytohormone protein network. In: Nature, 583 (2020). - S. 271-276.
Alexander Kutschera, Corinna Dawid, Nicolas Gisch, Christian Schmid, Lars Raasch, Tim Gerster, Milena Schäffer, Elwira Smakowska-Luzan, Youssef Belkhadir, A. Corina Vlot, Courtney E. Chandler, Romain Schellenberger, Dominik Schwudke, Robert K. Ernst, Stéphan Dorey, Ralph Hückelhoven, Thomas Hofmann, Stefanie Ranf: Bacterial medium-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acid metabolites trigger immunity in Arabidopsis plants. In: Science, 364 (2019). - S. 178-181.
Miriam Lenk, Marion Wenig, Kornelia Bauer, Florian Hug, Claudia Knappe, Birgit Lange, Timsy, Finni Häußler, Felicitas Mengel, Sanjukta Dey, Anton Schäffner, A. Corina Vlot: Pipecolic acid is induced in barley upon infection and triggers immune responses associated with elevated nitric oxide accumulation. In: Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 32 (2019). - S. 1303-1313.
Marion Wenig, Andrea Ghirardo, Jennifer H. Sales, Elisabeth S. Pabst, Heiko H. Breitenbach, Felix Antritter, Baris Weber, Birgit Lange, Miriam Lenk, Robin K. Cameron, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, A. Corina Vlot: Systemic acquired resistance networks amplify airborne defense cues. In: Nature Communications, 10 (2019). - .
Miriam Lenk, Marion Wenig, Felicitas Mengel, Finni Häußler, A. Corina Vlot: Arabidopsis thaliana immunity-related compounds modulate disease susceptibility in barley. In: Agronomy, 8 (2018). - .
Vera Schnepf, A. Corina Vlot, Karl Kugler, Ralph Hückelhoven: Barley susceptibility factor RACB modulates transcript levels of signalling protein genes in compatible interaction with Blumeria graminis f.sp. hordei. In: Molecular Plant Pathology, 19 (2018). - S. 393-404.
Marlies Riedlmeier, Andrea Ghirardo, Marion Wenig, Claudia Knappe, Kerstin Koch, Elisabeth Georgii, Sanjukta Dey, Jane E. Parker, Jörg-Peter Schnitzler, A. Corina Vlot: Monoterpenes support systemic acquired resistance within and between plants. In: The Plant Cell, 29 (2017). - S. 1440-1459.
A. Corina Vlot, Elisabeth Pabst, Marlies Riedlmeier: Systemic signalling in plant defence . In: (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Life Sciences : eLS. - Chichester: Wiley, 2017. - S. -
Philip Carella, Juliane Merl-Pham, Daniel C. Wilson, Sanjukta Dey, Stefanie M. Hauck, A. Corina Vlot, Robin K. Cameron: Comparative proteomics analysis of Arabidopsis phloem exudates collected during the induction of systemic acquired resistance. In: Plant Physiology, 171 (2016). - S. 1495-1510.
Shengcai Han, Dan Li, Eva Trost, Klaus F. Mayer, A. Corina Vlot, Werner Heller, Michael Schmid, Anton Hartmann, Michael Rothballer: Systemic responses of barley to the 3-hydroxy-decanoyl-homoserine lactone producing plant beneficial endophyte Acidovorax radicis N35. In: Frontiers in Plant Science, 7 (2016). - .
Sanjukta Dey, A. Corina Vlot: Ethylene responsive factors in the orchestration of stress responses in monocotyledonous plants. In: Frontiers in Plant Science, 6 (2015). - .
Finni Wittek, Basem Kanawati, Marion Wenig, Thomas Hoffmann, Katrin Franz-Oberdorf, Wilfried Schwab, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, A. Corina Vlot: Folic acid induces salicylic acid-dependent immunity in Arabidopsis and enhances susceptibility to Alternaria brassicicola. In: Molecular Plant Pathology, 16 (2015). - S. 616-622.
Finni Wittek, Thomas Hoffmann, Basem Kanawati, Marlies Bichlmeier, Claudia Knappe, Marion Wenig, Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin, Jane E. Parker, Wilfried Schwab, A. Corina Vlot: Arabidopsis ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 promotes systemic acquired resistance via azelaic acid and its precursor 9-oxo nonanoic acid. In: Journal of Experimental Botany, 65 (2014). - S. 5919-5931.
Sanjukta Dey, Marion Wenig, Gregor Langen, Sapna Sharma, Karl G. Kugler, Claudia Knappe, Bettina Hause, Marlies Bichlmeier, Valiollah Babaeizad, Jafargholi Imani, Ingar Janzik, Thomas Stempfl, Ralph Hückelhoven, Karl-Heinz Kogel, Klaus F. X. Mayer, A. Corina Vlot: Bacteria-triggered systemic immunity in barley is associated with WRKY and ETHYLENE RESPONSIVE FACTORs but not with salicylic acid. In: Plant Physiology, 166 (2014). - S. 2133-2151.
Heiko H. Breitenbach, Marion Wenig, Finni Wittek, Lucia Jordá, Ana M. Maldonado-Alconada, Hakan Sarioglu, Thomas Colby, Claudia Knappe, Marlies Bichlmeier, Elisabeth Pabst, David Mackey, Jane E. Parker, A. Corina Vlot: Contrasting roles of the apoplastic aspartyl protease APOPLASTIC, ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1-DEPENDENT1 and LEGUME LECTIN-LIKE PROTEIN1 in Arabidopsis systemic acquired resistance. In: Plant Physiology, 165 (2014). - S. 791-809.
Jana P. Hakenjos, Sarosh Bejai, Quirin Ranftl, Carina Behringer, A. Corina Vlot, Birgit Absmanner, Ulrich Hammes, Stephanie Heinzlmeir, Bernhard Kuster, Claus Schwechheimer: ML₃ is a NEDD8- and ubiquitin-modified protein. In: Plant Physiology, 163 (2013). - S. 135-149.
Frank Gaupels, A. Corina Vlot: Plant defense and long‐distance signaling in the phloem. In: Gary A. Thompson, Aart J. E. van Bel (Hrsg.): Phloem : molecular cell biology, systemic communication, biotic interactions. - Ames, IA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - S. 227-247.
Steffen Rietz, Anika Stamm, Stefan Malonek, Stephan Wagner, Dieter Becker, Nieves Medina‐Escobar, A. Corina Vlot, Bart J. Feys, Karsten Niefind, Jane E. Parker: Different roles of Enhanced Disease Susceptibility1 (EDS1) bound to and dissociated from Phytoalexin Deficient4 (PAD4) in Arabidopsis immunity. In: New Phytologist, 191 (2011). - S. 107-119.
D'Maris Amick Dempsey, A. Corina Vlot, Mary C. Wildermuth, Daniel F. Klessig: Salicylic acid biosynthesis and metabolism. In: The Arabidopsis Book, 9 (2011). - S. e0156.
A. Corina Vlot, D'Maris Amick Dempsey, Daniel F. Klessig: Salicylic acid, a multifaceted hormone to combat disease. In: Annual Review of Phytopathology, 47 (2009). - S. 177-206.
Sang-Wook Park, Po-Pu Liu, Farhad Forouhar, A. Corina Vlot, Liang Tong, Klaus Tietjen, Daniel F. Klessig: Use of a synthetic salicylic acid analog to investigate the roles of methyl salicylate and its esterases in plant disease resistance. In: The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (2009). - S. 7307-7317.
A. Corina Vlot, Po-Pu Liu, Robin K. Cameron, Sang-Wook Park, Yue Yang, Dhirendra Kumar, Fasong Zhou, Thihan Padukkavidana, Claes Gustafsson, Eran Pichersky, Daniel F. Klessig: Identification of likely orthologs of tobacco salicylic acid-binding protein 2 and their role in systemic acquired resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana. In: The Plant Journal, 56 (2008). - S. 445-456.
Yue Yang, Richard Xu, Choong-je Ma, A. Corina Vlot, Daniel F. Klessig, Eran Pichersky: Inactive methyl indole-3-acetic acid ester can be hydrolyzed and activated by several esterases belonging to the AtMES esterase family of Arabidopsis. In: Plant Physiology, 147 (2008). - S. 1034-1045.
A. Corina Vlot, Daniel F. Klessig, Sang-Wook Park: Systemic acquired resistance : the elusive signal(s). In: Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 11 (2008). - S. 436-442.
A. Corina Vlot, John F. Bol: The 5' untranslated region of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA 1 is involved in negative-strand RNA synthesis. In: Journal of Virology, 77 (2003). - S. 11284-11289.
A. Corina Vlot, Sebastiaan M. Laros, John F. Bol: Coordinate replication of alfalfa mosaic virus RNAs 1 and 2 involves cis- and trans-acting functions of the encoded helicase-like and polymerase-like domains. In: Journal of Virology, 77 (2003). - S. 10790-10798.
A. Corina Vlot, Aymeric Menard, John F. Bol: Role of the alfalfa mosaic virus methyltransferase-like domain in negative-strand RNA synthesis. In: Journal of Virology, 76 (2002). - S. 11321-11328.
A. Corina Vlot, Lyda Neeleman, Huub J. M. Linthorst, John F. Bol: Role of the 3'-untranslated regions of alfalfa mosaic virus RNAs in the formation of a transiently expressed replicase in plants and in the assembly of virions. In: Journal of Virology, 75 (2001). - S. 6440-6449.